On June 17, 2022, Scientific conference ‘30th Anniversary of UNESCO UNITWIN Program’ took place at the premises of Peter the Great Polytechnic University in St. Petersburg, Russia, under the auspices of National Commission of the Russian Federation for UNESCO, under the guidance of its Secretary, Mr. G.Ordzhonikidze. About 50 reports, presented by leading researchers and experts of this country, were dedicated to various aspects of the UNITWIN program, and its unique creative potential.
Head of our UNESCO chair, D.Spivak, gave an introductory talk at the plenary session, which was dedicated to main trends of the UNITWIN strategy, and talked, inter alia, about our Network of UNITWIN/UNESCO Chairs in Interfaith Dialogue for Intercultural Understanding. He also served as moderator of a session dedicated to Digital Transformation. Our Scientific Secretary, M. Stepanov, gave a talk dedicated to new trends in preservation of cultural heritage and their impact upon intercultural dialogue.
Photo by D.Spivak