The Northern Caucasus Affiliation
The newly (2015) founded North Caucasus affiliation of our UNESCO Chair functions basing on the facilities of the Derbent Affiliation, State University of Daghestan; State Historical, Architectural and Artistic Museum ‘Naryn-Kala’ in Derbent; and State Museum of History of World Cultures and Religions, Republic of Daghestan.
Inauguration of The Northern Caucasus affiliation of the Chair on March 25, 2015, in the city of Derbent (Republic of Daghestan, Russian Federation)
The Chair consists of the Chairholder G.Seidova, who holds a Ph.D. in Philosophy, and specializes in interfaith situation and dialogue in the Republic of Daghestan, Russian Federation, and neighboring states, and simultaneously holds the position of Professor at the State University of Daghestan in Derbent.
Deputy chair is N.Mamed-zade (Ph.D., Dr.Sc. in Philology, Iranian studies, Head of the Centre of Iranian Studies, State University of Daghestan).
Academic secretary is S.Nadjafova, Deputy Director, Gasanova, State Museum of History of World Cultures and Religions of the Republic of Daghestan.
Seven prominent local researchers serve as professors of the North Caucasus affiliation, namely:
V.Akaev, Ph.D., Dr.Sc. (Philosophy), ethnopolitical and ethnoconfessional processes in the Caucasus,principal research fellow, H.I.Ibragimov Complex Scientific Research Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences (Grozny, Chechen Republic, Russian Federation),
M.Bilalov, Ph.D., Dr.Sc. (Philosophy), ethnoconfessional politics, Head, Chair of Ontology and Cognition Theory, Faculty of Philosophy and Psychology, State University of Daghestan (Makhachkala, Republic of Daghestan, Russian Federation),
A.Buttayeva, Ph.D., Dr.Sc. (Philosophy), professor, Chair of Ontology and Cognition Theory, Faculty of Philosophy and Psychology, State University of Daghestan; professor, Chair of Theology and Socio-Humanitarian Sciences, Daghestan Humanitarian Institute; Head, Scientific Research Laboratory ‘Islamic Theology and Academic Islamic Studies’ (Makhachkala, Republic of Daghestan, Russian Federation),
M..Kuchukov, Ph.D., Dr.Sc. (Philosophy), professor, Chair of History and Philosophy, V.M.Kokov Kabardin-Balkar State Agrarian University (Nalchik, Kabardin-Balkar Republic, Russian Federation),
S.Liausheva, Ph.D., Dr.Sc. (Philosophy), professor, Chair of Philosophy and Sociology, Scientific Research Institute of Complex Problems, State University of Adygea; seniour research fellow, Laboratory of Ethnocultural Problems, State University of Adygea; Head, Department of Post-Doctoral Studies and Dissertation Juries, State University of Adygea (Maikop, Republic of Adygea, Russian Federation);
M.Shakhbanova, Ph.D., Dr.Sc. (Sociology), intercultural contacts and social identities, Principal Research Fellow, Department of Sociology, Institute of History, Archaeology, and Ethnology, Daghestan Scientific Centre, Russian Academy of Sciences (Makhachkala, Republic of Daghestan, Russian Federation);
A.Vartumian, Ph.D., Dr.Sc. (Politics), ethnic and ethnoconfessional politics, Deputy Director, Institute of Services, Tourism, and Design, North Caucasus Federal University (Piatigorsk, Russian Federation).
M.Gasanov, Ph.D., Dr.Sc. (History), Deputy Rector, State University of Daghestan; Head, Chair of Russian History, State University of Daghestan (Makhachkala, Republic of Daghestan, Russian Federation), serves as the Academic Consultant of the Chair;
S.Kashaf, research fellow, Centre of Central Asian, Caucasus, and Ural-Volga Studies, Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences; and Expert, Scientific Research Laboratory ‘Islamic Theology and Academic Islamic Studies’, Daghestan Humanitarian Institute (Moscow – Makhachkala, Russian Federation), serves as Consultant of the Chair.
Associate Professors are:
R.Gashimov, PhD (History), Deputy Director, Derbent Affiliation, State University of Daghestan (Derbent, Republic of Daghestan, Russian Federation),
M.Shafiyev, PhD (Law), Deputy Rector, Daghestan Humanitarian Institute (Makhachkala, Republic of Daghestan, Russian Federation).
Project Coordinators are:
D.Gasanova, Director, State Museum of History of World Cultures and Religions of the Republic of Daghestan (Derbent, Republic of Daghestan, Russian Federation);
A.Ibragimov, Director, State Historical, Architectural and Artistic Museum ‘Naryn-Kala’ in Derbent (Derbent, Republic of Daghestan, Russian Federation);
I.Zavirov, PhD (Economics), Director, Derbent Affiliation, State University of Daghestan (Derbent, Republic of Daghestan, Russian Federation).
All of the aforementioned persons work at the chair on part-time basis.