International Symposium ‘W(est) & E(ast): Ethnoculture and Ethnosophy’
7th International Symposium ‘W(est) & E(ast): Ethnoculture and Ethnosophy’, which is co-organized by our UNESCO chair, would start on November 17, 2023, at the premises of Institute of Sociology, Russian Academy of Sciences, in St.Petersburg, Russia, as part of the scientific program of International Cultural Forum ‘Days of Philosophy in St.Petersburg 2023’. Professor of our Chair, A.Alexeyev-Apraksin, serves as the Chairperson of the Organizing Committee of the Symposium. A number of prominent researchers from Russian universities and research centres are bound to take part, as well as colleagues from China, Korea, and Mongolia. Reports are dedicated to different aspects of intercultural dialogue between the East and the West.
Scientific program (in Russian)