Competitions of secondary school students, related to the cultural strategy of UNESCO
In 2018, members of our Chair co-organized in several competitions of secondary school students, related to the cultural strategy of UNESCO or, took part in their jury. To name but a few, one of these competitions, entitled ‘I am a Renovator: Guarding the cultural Heritage Together’, was conducted in March 2018, basing at the facilities of college No.192 in St.Petersburg, Russia, under the auspices of the National Coordination Centre of UNESCO Associated Schools. Another one, called ‘UNESCO Workshop – National Objects of cultural Heritage’ was conducted in April 2018, basing on the facilities of college No.639, as part of the 4th International Forum of Social Initiatives of Young People «Just Act», under the auspices of the National Coordination Centre of UNESCO Associated Schools. The third one, entitled the 4thAnnual Toksovo Readings took place in April, 2018, basing on the premises of Municipal Education Institution ‘Toksovo Education Centre’, under the auspices of our Chair and the Administration of the Municipal Institution ‘Toksovo Township’. In his introductory talk to the Readings, D.Spivak presented new trends in the organization of intercultural and interfaith dialogue, elaborated in the framework of UNESCO.