On February 9, 2022, Round Table on Scientific and Social Projects focused upon Protection of Cultural Heritage was conducted, under the auspices of Commission of the Russian Federation for UNESCO, Coordination Committee of UNESCO Chairs of the Russian Federation, and Committee of the City of St.Petersburg for State Control and Protection of Historical and Cultural Objects. About 100 experts from the leading Russian universities, as well as scientific research centers, from all over the country, took part in the meeting. Our UNESCO chair served as a co-organizer of the event, and provided two plenary talks. The first one, given by our Chair, D.Spivak, was dedicated to Actual Directions in Preservation and Revitalization of Cultural Heritage, especially in context of intercultural dialogue. Another one, given by our Scientific Secretary, M.Stepanov, considered Preservation and Re-vitalization of Cultural Heritage in Digital Age. Both reporters took into account the main standard-setting UNESCO documents, ranging from six Conventions on culture, to the materials of the recent 41st Session of UNESCO General Conference. Best practices, both monitored and conducted by our Chair, were also regarded.
Appendix: Program (in Russian)